Montag, Oktober 21, 2024

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Nan Hun Delay Wipes (Wind Series)

The Delay Wipes by Nan Hun are a real double premiere in the category of sex toys: more precisely, in the area of aids for lovemaking. And this time we are not talking about classic sex toys such as dildos, vibrators, and the like, but about „delay wipes“.
With the help of the specially soaked wet wipes, premature ejaculation is to be counteracted, so that the man can simply enjoy sex longer and more intensively… at least that’s the theory. But whether the wipes actually work and help delay orgasm, you can find out in the following test report.

What are delay wipes and how do they work?

Roughly speaking, delay wipes belong to a wide range of sexual enhancers and aids. This includes a wide variety of orgasm delay products, as can be seen just by taking a look at the corresponding products on Amazon.

Nan Hun Delay Wipes (Wind Series) 1 The range extends from delay wipes and sprays to gels and creams. Regardless of the carrier material, all preparations have the common goal of delaying the male orgasm and thus prolonging the sexual act. The reasons for using them may be as individual as they are varied, but for the male ego, the rapturous prospect of intense sexual intercourse and, above all, prolonged sexual pleasure still seems too promising. So much so that one is willing to spend not only one’s best but also a lot of money (depending on the product and manufacturer).

But as we all know, there is work to be done before pleasure! This also applies to the use of all kinds of delaying agents and the application of the ingredients to the penis before the act. And this also brings us to the biggest problem associated with the use of all delaying agents:

If we disregard the possible causes of premature ejaculation and its delay, the simple solution usually fails when attempting long-term use. Especially if the partner does not know about it or is not supposed to know. Firstly, the use of products containing anesthetics can lead to erection problems, because nothing is felt. Secondly, spontaneous sex is impossible if you have to let the product work for a while beforehand.
The product and the application have to be hidden, depending on the case and situation, which can be unfavorable if the product also affects the partner. And last but not least, the effect sometimes wears off faster than one would like.

Nan Hun Delay Wipes Produkte auf einen Blick

The period of delay varies and depends not only on the type of product but also on the ingredients used. But regardless of whether they are purely herbal extracts or chemicals, mostly anesthetics such as lidocaine and prilocaine, the effect is always supposed to be the same, namely to have a desensitizing effect on the penis and the friction or stimuli.
Logically, this can result in them not working at all or working too well, which is equally suboptimal. Because with „harmless“ ingredients, you often only feel a slight effect or none at all. With „medicinal“ ingredients, on the other hand, it can even be the case that the good bit is „anesthetized“ to such an extent that you don’t feel anything at all for a while, which is not really helpful either. So I was all the more curious to see how the new miracle wipes from Asia would prove themselves …

Produkte aus der Nan Hun Delay Wipes Serie

The Nan Hun Delay Wipes in the test

The Nan Hun Delay Wipes are currently available in five different packs, each designed for different purposes. The Nan Hun Delay Wipes Blue (NAN HUN Forest Series) tested by us are currently available. (NAN HUN Wind Series), which are designed for men who simply want a little more time during sex.
The Nan Hun Delay Wipes Green (NAN HUN Forest Series) are designed for men who want to masturbate and virtually train the delay and for longer sex, while the Nan Hun Delay Wipes Red (NA NHUN Fire Series) is created for overall longer sex.

Nan Hun Men's Soul Men's Vitality Maintenance Delay Wipes With the Nan Hun Delay Wipes Yellow (NAN HUN Mountain Series) there is another special product for gay sex and the Men’s Soul Men’s Vitality Maintenance Delay Wipes, are virtually a 4 in 1 product with the maximum possible effect of the natural formula used.
By the way, the wipes themselves are always the same in terms of format and appearance and only differ in terms of the quantities of ingredients used, which are supposed to be individually optimized for the respective purpose.

Before I get into the details, I have to say that I love the design of the package. This is probably because I am generally Asia-savvy and a fan. However, the samurai design should not hide the fact that the wipes come from a Chinese distributor who has them manufactured in Taiwan and is inspired by the Japanese original.

Nan Hun Delay Wipes Promo Foto Since Nan Hun’s delay wipes are not yet available as an export article, the Chinese description on the back of the packaging is not really helpful. However, the manufacturer’s online shop helps a little in this regard: at, the language can already be partially switched to English. A multilingual version of the shop is already being prepared and will soon be implemented. However, interested customers can already place orders (also from Germany).
The cost is about 13 Euros for a pack of 5 Delay Wipes. The shipping costs are another 5 euros. Payment can be made by credit card, Paypal, Apple Pay, etc., and is settled in TWD (New Taiwan Dollar). In addition to the delay wipes, the online shop offers many more original sex toys of various kinds. But now back to the actual test object.

In view of the fact that I had no previous experience with delay wipes, but only with delay sprays in the context of a test, I must admit that I was a little skeptical.

Nan Hun Delay Wipes im Test bei GAN
On the one hand, because the tested delay sprays were not particularly effective and on the other hand, because I am rather cautious about unknown foreign products. Especially when it comes to products related to the skin and in this case the intimate area. And to be honest, the little brown wipes don’t look very confidence-inspiring either.
But apart from our own harmless experiences with the Nan Hun Delay Wipes in the test, the delay wipes have been officially certified and tested by the Taiwanese authorities: and to reassure you, they do not contain any medical ingredients such as benzocaine.
Furthermore, the product has been sold through a Taiwanese drugstore chain for quite some time and no complaints have been reported. So far so good, and we have therefore had the product tested within the editorial team by no less than five male persons without complaints. Those who suffer from allergies should nevertheless exercise caution to avoid possible skin irritations.

Anwendung und Inhaltsstoffe der Nan Hun Delay Wipes

At this point, a note on oral sex: After application, and provided the product has been absorbed, you can wash off the penis, but you don’t have to. However, if possible, you should not urinate directly after application. Furthermore, you should make sure that nothing gets to the exit of the urethra at the glans.

Application and mode of action of the Nan Hun Delay Wipes

The wipes are packed individually, opaque and airtight in black packs without print, just like condoms are. The wipes themselves are made of super-absorbent non-woven fabric and intensively soaked with the delaying plant extracts. Thanks to or rather because of the high-quality fleece, the wipes appear somewhat dry at first glance. However, during use or when pressed together, they visibly secrete the liquid. This circumstance is intended by the manufacturer and serves ideal storage and long-term use of the wipes and not at all to save costs.
Im Praxistest - Nan Hun Delay Wipes

After consultation with the manufacturer, he informed us that this visually unfortunate circumstance is known and can lead to irritation for the user. Therefore, the manufacturing process has been optimized in the meantime and the wipes will soon be a little wetter in order to provide a better application experience. Since the previous version is not yet available in Europe, only the „new“ optimized wipes will soon be on the market here. In this respect, there is no need to worry about the product if you buy it from a different or European or German dealer.

To use the wipe, squeeze it lightly and rub it in a small circle over the glans and tip of the penis until it is completely absorbed. It is important that the penis is not erect and the wipes are for single use.
According to the manufacturer, the effect should start after about 30 minutes. However, this depends on various factors, as was also shown in our test. For me, it had virtually no effect after 30 minutes. In a repeated test with a waiting time of 40 minutes, it worked all the better and more effectively. This depends not only on the time but also on the individual circumstances and situations, which was also confirmed by the other testers.

Original aus Japan mit Samurai Power - Nan Hun Delay Wipes If we summarise our own test reports very briefly, the following result can be noted: two out of a total of five people, according to their own statements, showed no effect at all, while two others were all the more euphoric about the delay effect. After several attempts, I myself can only say that it worked very well in some cases.
However, one should not expect miracles with regard to the delay effect. It can result in longer sex, but it doesn’t have to and depends not only on the psyche but also on the overall physical and sexual situation. Here, everyone really has to test for themselves and find out to what extent the delay effect works and which period of time proves to be ideal for the application.


In this regard, since the effect depends on several factors and is very individual, an objective evaluation is also correspondingly difficult. Because especially with delay agents, no matter what kind, be it delay wipes or sprays, the effect is very subjective, and too many other factors play a role than the actual product itself.

At least in this case we can confirm that there are no negative aspects or consequences when using it. Whether or not one is willing to spend money on it and test it is something everyone has to decide for themselves.
In any case, if it works for you, the price is still fair and should become even cheaper when the Nan Hun Delay Wipes are also available in German and European shops.

PS: Interested dealers, shops and distribution partners can contact directly for more information.
Nan Hun Delay Wipes für längeren Sex

ist der Gründer, Herausgeber und Chefredakteur von Neben der Tätigkeit für GAN ist Tom auch noch als freier Texter und Redakteur für andere Blogs, Online-Shops und Magazine (On- und Offline) aktiv. Die Themen-Bandbreite reicht dabei von Entertainment & Medien bis hin zu E-Commerce. Geboren und wohnhaft im Herzen des Ruhrgebiets ist Tom seit vielen Jahren glücklich verheiratet und stolzer Vater.

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